
Kernel Executor Bundle

In this bundle you are provided with three fantastic courses designed to teach you all you need to know to create kernels. "C Programming In Windows" will teach you all about the C programming language which is a requirement of the kernel development course. "X86 Assembly Language Programming Masters Course" will teach you all about assembly language which is a requirement for the kernel development course. In this kernel development course you will learn all about real mode and protected mode in x86 systems. By the end of that course you will have a fully functioning kernel that can read files, and run multiple programs at the same time. Your kernel can multi-task. This offer will not last long and is an absolute bargain. Three courses for just 49.99!

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  • Only $49.99 You save $223.99!
      with this deal

Deal Includes

C Programming In Windows
45 Lessons
5 Hours