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0 Hours
9 Lesson
Update: May 2020 - the Flappy Game is updated using Unity 2019.3
This course is a gentle introduction to small interactive games like Flappy Birds or other classics. Instead of making a clone, we will only go through the game mechanics: flapping or jumping, gravity and collisions, using Unity Physics.
The graphics will be deliberately crude: a white capsule and a few boxes. There are no textures, sprites, sounds or particle effects. We encourage you to make something of your own.
You'll need to know the basics of Unity: creating GameObjects, navigating the 3D Window and adjusting components. We'll use the popular Playmaker extension from the Asset store, which is a visual coding system, providing a Finite State Machine implementation, requiring no custom scripting. We go through every step from scratch, although the final result can be downloaded as a package for you to study.
So if you want to add some interactivity and make something fun, but don't know where to start, this is a good opportunity. And please share your results and make something unique.
This is not an introduction to Unity, so you should at least understand the basic concepts of GameObjects, Components, Scenes, Transforms and the Physics Engine
You should have access to PlayMaker, an addition to Unity. No other software is required.
This Unity course is meant for beginning game designers, who know the basics of Unity, but want to apply PlayMaker, a visual programming system
This course explains the game mechanics, but skips any art or imagery.
This is not a course in custom C# programming.
We keep everything rather basic, so you understand every step of the way.
quickly develop small prototype games with the basic mechanics in place
set up the basic mechanics for a small Flappy-like game
understand the basics of PlayMaker in Unity
react on object collisions
manage the game progress with a basic Game Manager
Getting Started
2 Lessons
0H 6M
1m 53s
4m 50s
Flapping and Crashing: The Adventure Starts
3 Lessons
0H 16M
Controlling The Game With a Game Manager
4 Lessons
0H 19M
9m 56s
4m 24s
1m 14s
Dragon Zap Instructor
Architect-Engineer from Belgium, working as sr. Innovation and BIM manager for D-studio (B) and Guest professor at KU Leuven (B). Member of CEN/TC 442, buildingSMART Benelux and CLUSTER Digital Construction. Father of three boys, guitar-player, composer and technology enthousiast and concerned about peace, open access to information and sustainability.
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Metla Sudha Sekhar
Niyazi Erdogan
Ashraf S.A Almadhoun