Develop & Deploy Java Springboot App on Kubernetes Cluster

Obify Consulting

Created by

Obify Consulting

0.00 Star (0)

2 Hours

37 Lesson




In this course, you will learn everything about Docker and Kubernetes in step by step manner by implementing it with SpringBoot and Minikube.

We will learn about the Architecture/working of docker and its components.

We will also talk about some of the best practices that should be followed while using Kubernetes.

Then we will move on to understand the different deployment strategies that we have been following and what are the limitations of those approaches.

Why containerization is the best deployment strategy available now.

Why we need Kubernetes.

What problem does Kubernetes solves.

2-What is Container, Docker, Container Deployment and Challenges

3-What is Kubernetes

4-Kubernetes cluster and concept of Node

5-Overview of Worker and Master Node and What is Namespaces

6-Worker Node, Kubelet, POD, Container

7-Master Node component - API Server

8-Master Node component - Controller Manager and its types

8-Master Node component - Scheduler

9-Master Node component - etcd key value store

10-Kubernetes Virtual Internal Network

11-Deep Dive into POD and Service component

12-Replica and ReplicaSets

13-What is Deployment, how deployment works  What is, Kubectl, Helm chart

14-Options available for running Kubernetes cluster - Minikube, Azure Kubernetes Service, Elastic Kubernetes Service, Google Kubernetes Service

15-Different Types of Service

1-What is minikube and downloading the softwares

2-Installing and Starting Minikube

3-Verifying Minikube Cluster Installation with Kubectl commands

4-Generating Springboot Project from Spring Initializer

5-Importing Springboot Project To Intellij

6-Creatin Hello World Controller

7-Creating the Dockerfile for our Springboot App

8-Allowing Kubernetes to have access to local docker image and Building our image locally

9-Creating Deployment, Accessing Deployment details, Getting Pod info and Pod ogs

10-Creating a NodePort service on our deployment and exposing it and Accessing Kubernetes Dashboard

11-Accessing the Springboot App running inside Pod


Basics of Java

Who This Course is For

Anyone who wants to learn about docker and kubernetes and apply it in their work

What You Will be Learn

You will know learn about Docker and Its Working

You will learn to create a SpringBoot and Implement Rest API

You will learn to work with Minikube Single Node Kubernetes Cluster

You will learn about Kubernetes and its Architecture

You will learn to Dockerize SpringBoot Application

You will learn to create Deployment and Service Object and deploy to Kubernetes cluster with command line

Obify Consulting

Dragon Zap Instructor

0.00 Star Rating

2 Courses

Dragon Zap Instructor

We are a next generation Software Consulting Company in Sambalpur Odisha, dealing with developing Web Application, Cloud based system, Blockchain to Artificial Intelligence solutions. We also have state of the art training facility for young professional or experienced professional who wants to learn latest cutting edge technology and become the Software Developer. Our vision is to make technical education simple and easy so that more and more professionals/students can learn and grow in their career.


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