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10 Hours
97 Lesson
>>> Over a hundred lecture, 8.5 Hours of HD Content that will take you in an informative journey to not only master the coding of PIC Microcontroller, but also learn the very basics of PIC Microcontroller internal structure, how it really works, it’s parts and how your code is handled inside the brain of a Microcontroller. <<<
>>> Continues Updates <<< + Bonuses
4 Star | 10 Hours of HD Content | More Than 11000 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!
What students are saying:
Abel Kaswahili says, "I like the way it provided, because it does not make any one to be bored but it encourage to learn."
Ingmar Jaitner says, "Very good information about PIC. Looking forward for the practical programming section."
Ero Ewaen Osazee says, "Very nice introductory course for the pic micro-controller, a well structured introductory course."
Welcome to this course.
Do you want to Go to the next level programming PIC Microcontrollers?
We are announcing our brand-new course PIC Microcontroller: Everything you need to Know.
Over a hundred lecture, 8.5 Hours of HD Content that will take you in an informative journey to not only master the coding of PIC Microcontroller, but also learn the very basics of PIC Microcontroller internal structure, how it really works, it’s parts and how your code is handled inside the brain of a Microcontroller.
When You Join This Course You Will Get PIC Microcontroller Test Your Skills and Get Certified Course For FREE (Usually worth 200$) in the Bonus Section in which you will test Your PIC Microcontroller Skills with more than 100 Question, This is the only PIC Microcontroller Practice Exam course on Udemy that has timed test-taking ability and provides interactive, section level feedback.
What You will get in this course?
8.5 Hour of HD Video Contnet + PIC Microcontroller Resources
Over 100 Lecture of new PIC Microcontroller Material that will cover each of the following topics:
Why PIC Microcontroller
18 Practical Experiment that will help you master coding
C Programming Basics
PIC Microcontroller Inner structure and Programming Introduction
Leds, Resistors and Pushbuttons
LCD Screens and Seven Segment Displays
Motor and Keypad.
DIY Projects and Quick Tips
Rest Actions, Ports and registers.
Banking Mechanism for Memory Organization
Analog to Digital Conversion
Interrupts and Serial Communication
Timers and Counters
Electronics Basics
You will not believe how much you will learn and improve your programming skills, electronic circuit simulation and assembling a fully functional PIC Microcontroller based project in this course which has over 8.5 hours of brand new HD videos showing you how I am able to learn PIC Microcontroller so fast and how you can do the same!
Use this course to see how a new definition of PIC Microcontroller learning experience will give you the ability to have fun learning and doing any project you want and show you how you can become world class at doing anything you love to do with PIC Microcontrollers!
Unlock your superlearnning Skills Now
The PIC Microcontroller is an electronic device that is easy-to-use in both hardware and software. Sensing the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors, PIC Microcontroller affects its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and a number of other accessories. It's intended for anyone making interactive hardware projects by connecting it with a power source, few leds and resistors.
How this Course is Different than other PIC Microcontroller Courses?
- Basics of C Programming Section.
- Basics of Electronics Components Section.
- Microcontroller Background Section.
- Sections for advance topics like Registers, TMR0 and many other interesting topics.
- 15 Practical Experiment that will help you master everything there is to know about PIC Microcontroller.
This course is designed to introduce the PIC Microcontroller hardware and programming environment to get you started on building projects as soon as possible.
Unleash Your Inner Hero With this Course
PIC Microcontroller Inner structure and Programming Introduction
Leds, Resistors and Pushbuttons
LCD Screens and Seven Segment Displays
Motor and Keypad.
DIY Projects and Quick Tips
If you take this course now, you can count on these three results in just a few hours!
Add new excitement and knowledge into all the new skills you are learning now!
Find the best programming ways to make great microcontroller projects that will make turning any idea into real thing easy and effortless!
Use the simple PIC Microcontroller formula to reduce the time spent making modification to electronics projects from hours to minutes using state of the art simulation software!
Download and Install Proteus Professional
Download and Install MikroC Pro!
Download The course Material in PDF and Print them if possible
Anyone with a curiosity for making electronics
People with no experience in electronics
People with an intermediate knowledge of electronics
Children over 12 years old
Program PIC Microcontroller like a champ
Understand the principles of programming micro-controllers
Build electronic devices using different tools
Use and Understand many types of sensors and components
Understand basic principles in electronics design.
Connect your PIC Microcontroller to LCD Screen and control it.
Connect your PIC Microcontroller to Seven Segment and control it.
Connect your PIC Microcontroller to Motor and learn how to control it.
Connect your PIC Microcontroller to Keypad and control it.
Connect your PIC Microcontroller to DOT Matrix and control it.
Introduction and Basics
4 Lessons
0H 21M
C Programming For Microcontrollers
12 Lessons
0H 49M
3m 12s
4m 39s
3m 32s
5m 13s
5m 15s
4m 26s
5m 5s
Code, Run and Have more Fun
14 Lessons
1H 27M
2m 41s
2m 29s
8m 29s
10m 23s
PIC Microcontroller: The story from the beginning
8 Lessons
0H 51M
8m 5s
PIC Architecture II
7 Lessons
0H 32M
2m 18s
4m 44s
4m 56s
5m 35s
5m 37s
5m 38s
Analog To Digital Conversion
3 Lessons
0H 19M
8 Lessons
0H 35M
4m 14s
Serial Communication Introduction and Basics
5 Lessons
0H 30M
Timers and Counters
6 Lessons
0H 23M
3m 50s
1m 48s
4m 19s
2m 23s
3m 29s
Practical Experiments
12 Lessons
1H 48M
Basics of Electronics Components
18 Lessons
2H 25M
4m 34s
2m 32s
1m 50s
4m 45s
12m 30s
5m 1s
7m 53s
13m 44s
Dragon Zap Instructor
I've always tried to live life presently and to the fullest. Some of the things I love to do in my spare time include football, biking, traveling to new places, watching sports (huge football fan here!), and sharing meals with friends and family. In 2012, I graduated with my Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering at Azhar University - one of the top schools in the country. While there, I was fortunate to make Embedded Systems project using Arduino, PIC Microcontroller and other modules. After graduating, I worked at My own university as a Teacher Assistant . I followed that stint with a contract at a local College where I discovered how amazing it is to share your knowledge offline, which made me eager and eventually found myself starting my own online learning journey. I helped more than 100k student since then. Most recently. Throughout this time I built my Educational Engineering School Online brand to teach others the skills that I have. Now I only do things I love each day. I want to show you how to be a better Embedded System creator, make money from your skills, and live the life you dreamed of.
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