
Circuit Design, Simulation and PCB Fabrication Bundle

0.00 Star (0)

12 Hours

127 Lesson




This Bundle Consists of 136 Lecture with more than 12.5 hours of HD Video Content and supplementary material in which we cover more than four different software used to design, simulate and fabricate circuits, I can assure you that after this course you will be a professional in Circuit design and fabrication.

You will get the chance to learn:

  1. PCB Design and Fabrication using Frtizing Software

  2. PCB Design: Master Designing Printed Circuit Board using Proteus Software

  3. PCB Design: Make Arduino Nano using Altium Designer

  4. 3D Simulation: Microcontrollers, Electronics, Mechanism, PCB using Yenka Software

  5. Soldering Electronic Components Like A Professional

  6. Microcontroller Circuit Design and Simulation

  7. Arduino Circuit Design and Simulation

Let's talk in more details about each Section


PCB Design and Fabrication For Everyone

Learn Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design from Scratch With Zero Experience in Electronics, No Effort and a Free Software

>>> This course is a first of its kind in which you will learn from start to finish on how to design your own Printed Circuit Board (PCB) with Zero Experience in Electronics and Circuit Design, YES, you did hear me, No experience is required at all. <<<

Welcome to this course.

This course will help you to gain PCB design skills which will help you to get started freelancing or to get a job in PCB design with a Free Software being one of the top PCB design tools used around the world, so you won't have to pay anything for the software and it has tons of library for almost every component in electronics industry.

Printed Circuit Board design is very interesting for any electronics geek, microcontroller programmers anyone wishing to build his own PCB by themselves. It is very simple and easy to understand for beginners.

No Previous Experience + Free Software + Time Saving Techniques = Perfect PCB Design

This is available for your in this course + Bonuses and additional Material + PCB Design Software.


PCB Design: Master Designing Printed Circuit Board

A-Z Guide to designing, testing and Manufacturing any electronic circuit, using the most popular electronic software.

>>> A-Z Guide to designing, drawing and testing any electronic circuit that comes in hand, using one of the most popular software in the electronics industry, after this course you will be a master at making your own electric circuit board. <<<

Welcome to this course.

  • You will become professional in making your own electronics circuits, you will even be able to master mass producing any electronics circuit that you find useful.

  • Video and Text lectures are included along with the software package that will be used in this course.

  • The course begins with introducing electronic circuit design then lessons for beginners to allow you become an expert, then at the end we will make a more advanced circuit and prepare it for mass production like professional.

  • All what you need for this course is your laptop and headphones.

  • This course is open for comments and suggestions.

  • Why you should take this course, well, because you will learn by doing not by listening and you will become an expert in making your own circuits.


3D Simulation: Microcontrollers, Electronics, Mechanism, PCB

Enter the world of 3D simulation and have fun learning and teaching Microcontroller Electronics, Mechanical and PCB

>>> 3D simulators nowadays are covering all aspects of the electronic design process, in 3D. In this course you will get the chance to explore the wonders of 3D simulation of a limitless range of circuit boards, a 2D circuit design tools, and also PIC microcontroller simulation, testing and programming. <<<


Welcome to this course.

You will get the chance to learn:

  • 3D Electronic simulation and design

  • PIC microcontroller programming

  • Flowcharting

  • 3D PCB simulation

  • 3D mechanisms

  • Measurement

What You Will learn in This Course

  • What is Crocodile Technology

  • Why it is helpful to simulate and design in 3D

  • Download and Install the Software

  • User Interface Introduction

  • Design and Simulate ON/OFF Switches Circuits

  • Design and Simulate Microcontroller Systems

  • Flowcharting.

  • Design and Simulate Simple Led On/Off Circuits

  • Design and Simulate Simple Led Flasher Circuits

  • Design and Simulate Simple 7 Segment Circuits

  • Design and Simulate Counter using 7 Segment Circuits

  • Design and Simulate Motors

This will be a journey of a life time for everyone looking for a new vision in Engineering Simulation, easy to use and really helpful software will be introduced.



How to Solder Electronic Components Like A Professional

In this Course you will learn how to Master Soldering in no Time

>>> In this Course you will learn how to Master Soldering in no Time <<<

Welcome to this course.

1.5 Hour of HD Content | 1 Hour of Practical Videos | 1500 Students

STOP Wasting Time, Money and Effort on Bad Soldered boards, Start Solder correctly to have a long lasting Fully functional Board.

Ever Wondered Which Soldering Iron is right for you?

Did you ask Yourself why My soldering doesn't look or feel like a professionally soldered board like you see in most online videos and images or even in boards that you purchase?

This Course Have all the answers for you

You will learn how to master soldering, and use the right tools for the job

You can count on these results:

  1. Learn how to choose the right soldering Iron

  2. Learn how to change the soldering Iron tip head

  3. Learn what is the best solder out there, and why it is the best

  4. Learn how to clean your soldering Iron

  5. Learn how to extend soldering Iron life span

  6. Learn what are the right tools you need to have to keep yourself safe while soldering and solder the right way

  7. Learn the difference between good soldering and bad soldering with real life examples

Basic soldering is a skill that's easy to learn and not hard to master.

  It just takes practice! 

There is a huge range of soldered situations out there, from tiny chip resistors on circuit boards to large UHF connectors.   

There is also a large variety of irons, tips and solder to choose from, and it certainly does help to have the right tool for the job. 

Good luck, and remember....   

Good soldering takes practice!  

Warning :You are working with HOT liquid metal, it is a matter of time before you will get burned.    


Be careful!

Contents that will be introduced in this Course

  1. •Soldering Tools

  2. •Soldering Accessories

  3. •Step 1: Preparation

  4. •Step 2: Tinning

  5. •Step 3: Soldering

  6. •Cleaning

  7. •Tips and Tricks




PIC Microcontroller Simulation: Unleash the power of Code

Stop Wasting Time Start working with different PIC Microcontroller and start unleashing the power of code in Simulation

Start your PIC Microcontroller Simulation Journey by working with different PICMicrocontroller without buying them. Unleash the power of code in Simulation

>> PIC Microcontroller is an easy-to-use Microcontroller. Sensing the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors. PIC Microcontroller affects its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and a number of other accessories. It's intended for anyone making interactive hardware projects and in this course, we will make it easy for you to Code and Simulate PIC Microcontroller and Start Testing Your Codes Freely. <<<

Welcome to PIC Microcontroller Simulation Course.

In this course, you will learn how to real-time Simulation of PIC Microcontroller using different Boards and Schematics in A Professional Simulation Environment. It will help you unleash your full coding potential without buying any of the Training boards, you just need to write your code and upload the hex file to the Simulation Software.

This course will help you test your codes and schematics for PIC Microcontroller without the risk of burning your board. No More bad connections or wrong codes.

Be sure that you will learn a lot from this course and it will help you advance your Microcontroller Career. As a result, you will save Money and Time when simulating Microcontrollers

Contents and Overview This course is designed for anyone interested in learning PIC Microcontroller and Simulate different type of it with different components without buying any of them and for FREE. You don't need to have any previous experience, and all you need is a computer. The Simulation Software is FREE


Why You Should Take This Course?

  • Save Circuit design and Simulation Time, since you will be able to simulate using a real-life board that is designed to meet all your needs

  • You don't need to hock or connect any wire, write the code and uploads it to the free simulation software.

  • Save money, since this software is for FREE, you won’t have to pay anything, you don’t even have to buy any components before testing your code, write the code, upload it to the software, test it then you are good to go.

  • Real-time debugging and tracking of signals and data memory.

  • Proteus Simulation software cost around 450$ and another cost up to 1000$. The software that I will teach you how to use it for free.

  • You won’t have to pay anything, download and install then you are good to go. Start using it in no time.

PIC Microcontrollers that you will be able to Simulate.

 PIC16F84, PIC16F628 or PIC16F648, PIC16F777, PIC16F877A, PIC18F452, PIC18F4520, PIC18F4550 or PIC18F4620, ATMEGA328

Boards that you will be able to Simulate

Labtools development board McLab1, Labtools development board McLab2, Microgenius development board PICGenios,  Arduino Uno development board


PIC Microcontrollers: Design & Manufacture Your Training Kit

A-Z Guide that allows you to make a factory quality training kits that meet your exact needs.

>>> A-Z Guide to designing,  drawing and testing different training kit circuit that comes in hand, using one of the most popular software in the electronics industry, after this course, you will be a master at making PIC Microcontrollers Training Kit instead of buying it. <<<


Welcome to Make PIC Microcontrollers Training Kit course.

There are many reasons Why You Should Take this course:

  • Commercial Training Kits have many functions that you might never use and add an additional cost which makes the overall cost of a kit very high.

  • There is no chance that you will find a kit that matches your exact needs.

  • Making things with your own hands will give you a very good understanding of how electronic boards are made and will help you be a professional in making permanent Printed circuit boards.

  • You can easily adjust the items of the kit and make many copies at your home at a very low price.

  • You will get to practice playing with electronics.

So Make PIC Microcontrollers Training Kit course will offer you:

  • A-Z Guide to designing,  drawing and testing different training kit circuit that comes in hand, using one of the most popular software in the electronics industry, after this course, you will be a master at making your own training kit instead of buying it.

  • You will become professional in making your own circuits, you will even be able to master mass producing an electronic module for Microcontroller that you find useful.

  • Video and Text lectures are included along with the software package that will be used in this course.

  • All that you need for this course is your laptop and headphones.

  • This course is open for comments and suggestions.

  • Another reason Why you should take this course, well, because you will learn by doing not by listening and you will become an expert in making your own circuits.


 Design and Simulate Arduino Boards and Test Your Code

Start working with different Arduino boards without buying them and start unleashing the power of code in Simulation

>>> The Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Sensing the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors, Arduino affects its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and a number of other accessories. It's intended for anyone making interactive hardware projects and in this course, we will make it easy for you to Design and Simulate Arduino Boards and Start Testing Your Codes Freely. <<<

Welcome to Design and Simulate Arduino Boards and Test Your Code course.

In this course, you will learn how to Simulate different Arduino Boards in A Professional Simulation Environment. It will help you unleash your full coding potential without buying any of the Arduino boards.

This course will help you test your codes and schematics for Arduino without the risk of burning your board. No More bad connections or wrong codes.

Contents and Overview This course is designed for anyone interested in learning electronic design. You don't need to have any previous experience, and all you need is a computer.

Boards that can be Simulated: Arduino Uno, Mega, Nano, zero and others


PCB Design: Make Arduino Nano using Altium Designer

Learn Printed Circuit Board design by Making Arduino Nano in Altium Designer Software.

>>> Learn Printed Circuit Board design by Making Arduino Nano in Altium Designer Software. <<<

Welcome to this course.

What is this course about:

In This course you will learn from start to finish, from zero to production ready on how to design custom Arduino Nano Printed Circuit Board . It will help you to improve your PCB design skills which will help you to get started freelancing or to get a job in PCB design with Altium Designer since it's the most used PCB design tools


What you should expect after taking this course:

  • Get started PCB design using Altium Designer.

  • Download and install Altium designer.

  • Create your own component library so that you can create your own components that you don't have a library for which will help you freelance online since many jobs ask to create component libraries.

  • Create the Arduino Nano Schematic in Altium designer.

  • Wiring components in Schematic view.

  • Transfer schematic into PCB.

  • Place components on board.

  • Create a multilayer board.

  • Route layers and place components on board.

  • Autoroute to save time.

  • Eliminate design errors.

  • Create Gerber files for your manufacturer.



Make PIC microcontroller based Arduino Development Board

This guild will help you know how to make PIC Microcontroller Based Arduino Like board at home Step by Step

>>> This Course will show you in a step by step manner, how to make your very own PIC Microcontroller USB Enabled Training Board (Just like the Arduino Board) <<<

Welcome to this course.

Have you ever wanted to try a Code on your PIC Microcontroller, but didn't have the programmer?

Do you wish to have your very own Arduino Like PIC Microcontroller Board that you can easily plug via USB and start coding your projects?

Are you tired from the process of removing a Microcontroller from the board to reprogram it for development, testing and improving your projects?

The Solution is here >> Our Brand New Course

This Course will show you in a step by step manner, how to make your very own PIC Microcontroller USB Enabled Training Board (Just like the Arduino Board)

All that you need to do is plug the USB Cable and start writing your code to PIC Microcontroller in no time and see the results without having to remove anything, a healthy helpful testing, and development environment of your own creation.

This is available for your in this course + Bonuses and additional Material + Breadboard and PCB Design if you just want to try things out before mass production 

This guild will help you know how to make PIC Microcontroller Based Arduino Like board at home Step by Step

This tutorial shows you how to build a PIC Microcontroller compatible board, it will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside the Arduino board is, and what it does and how to wire it up

You will know what is the actual brain in Pinguino board and what you can do with it and how to interface it with your own PC and send codes freely, you will no longer burn a code to a board that you know nothing about it's hardware.

After this course you will be able to make your own board on a breadboard or PCB the choice is yours to make since all connections are explained in details.


A Computer or Laptop with any operating system

The Software that will be used to create the PCB Provided in the first Section (FREE)

Basic experience in Electronics

No materials required if you only wish to view the course

Have A basic Experience in browsing the internet

Time, Dedication and Patience to learn and implement new knowledge.

Who This Course is For

Circuit Designers

PCB Designers

Electronics Geeks

Circuits Creators

Everyone who's interested in Electronics

School Students who want's to learn more about electronics in simple ways

Teachers who are looking for ways to make learning more fun and interactive

Anyone Interested in Learning The right way to solder

PIC Microcontroller Geeks

Anyone looking to learn PIC Microcontroller but don't want to buy the Microcontrollers or Electronic Components

Anyone looking to learn PIC Microcontroller without spending any money buying Programming and Simulation Software

Anyone starting their journey in PIC Microcontroller

Anyone looking for a free software to Simulate PIC Microcontroller

Anyone looking to unleash the power of coding using Simulation

Newbies looking to enhanse there Circuit design skills and make great PCBs and training kits in not time

Arduino Geeks

Anyone looking to learn Arduino but don't want to buy the boards

Anyone looking to learn Arduino without spending any money buying different boards

Anyone starting their journey in Microcontrollers

Anyone who Want to get a job in PCB design

Anyone who Want to learn Altium Designer in the shortest possible time.

Anyone who Want to get started creating cool gadgets

Anyone Interested in Learning New Things about Pinguino (PIC Microcontroller Based Arduino)

Anyone Interested in Knowing how Pinguino (PIC Microcontroller Based Arduino) board actually works

Anyone Interested in Knowing what each component inside Pinguino (PIC Microcontroller Based Arduino) does

What You Will be Learn

Make PCB with Zero Experience in Electronics

Learn basic to advance PCB design

Draw a schematic of your circuit in few simple steps

Create your own custom Printed Circuit Board (PCB).

Connect a Breadboard of your circuit in few simple steps

Auto Route to speed up the routing process

Make A PCB in the shortest possible time

Route Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

Prototype your kickstarter idea

Get a job in PCB design

Master Designing electronic circuits

Simulate and test your circuit before actually making it

Make a professional Printed Circuit electronic board PCB for your circuit.

Track you errors in seconds

Use Proteus Software which is one of the best electronic software ever

Simulate and design 3D Electronic Circuits

Program 3D PIC microcontroller using Flow-charting

Simulate 3D PCB

Simulate 3D mechanisms

Simulate 3D Measurements

Choose the right soldering Iron

Choose the right tools you need to have to keep yourself safe while soldering and solder the right way

Choose the best solder out there, and why it is the best

Clean your soldering Iron

Change the soldering Iron tip head

Extend soldering Iron life span

Get your own Soldering tools that are right for you

Solder Correctly following The right steps to an excellent soldering

Set the right heat, solder and tools to be a soldering professional

Differentiate between good soldering and bad soldering with real life examples

Test your codes and schematics for PIC Microcontroller without the risk of burning your board. No More bad connections or wrong codes.

Do realtime Simulation of PIC Microcontroller using development boards with integrated debugger or using any code that you have in hand.

Save money, since this software is for FREE, you won’t have to pay anything, you don’t even have to buy any components before testing your code, write the code, upload it to the software, test it then you are good to go.

Simulate PIC16F84, PIC16F628 or PIC16F648, PIC16F777, PIC16F877A, PIC18F452, PIC18F4520, PIC18F4550 or PIC18F4620, ATMEGA328 Microcontrollers

Save Circuit design and Simulation Time, since you will be able to simulate using a real-life board that is designed to meet all your needs

Debug and track signals and data memory in Real-time

Simulate Labtools development board McLab1 Board

Simulate Labtools development board McLab2 Board

Simulate Microgenius development board PICGenios Board

Simulate Arduino Uno development board

Write codes and test them without having a PIC Microcontroller

Test Codes without having a real physical electronic components

Make your Own Training Kit

Design and Manufacture any PCB that comes in your mind

Design any Microcontroller module

Simulate Arduino UNO Boards

Simulate Arduino Mega Boards

Simulate Arduino nano Boards

Write codes and test them without having an Arduino Board

Test Codes without having a real physical an Arduino Board

Create and design a custom Arduino Nano in Altium Designer

Draw schematic of an Arduino Nano and wire components

Create your own custom components and component library

Compile design detect and eliminate design errors

Define board shape and size

Auto route to speed up the routing process

Route Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

Eliminate errors and reduce manufacturing board iterations by Using design rule checker

Make your own Pinguino (PIC Microcontroller Based Arduino) Board

Bootload Your Pinguino (PIC Microcontroller Based Arduino)

Know what is the actual brain of Pinguino (PIC Microcontroller Based Arduino)

Ashraf S.A Almadhoun

Dragon Zap Instructor

5.00 Star Rating

31 Courses

Dragon Zap Instructor

I've always tried to live life presently and to the fullest. Some of the things I love to do in my spare time include football, biking, traveling to new places, watching sports (huge football fan here!), and sharing meals with friends and family. In 2012, I graduated with my Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering at Azhar University - one of the top schools in the country. While there, I was fortunate to make Embedded Systems project using Arduino, PIC Microcontroller and other modules. After graduating, I worked at My own university as a Teacher Assistant . I followed that stint with a contract at a local College where I discovered how amazing it is to share your knowledge offline, which made me eager and eventually found myself starting my own online learning journey. I helped more than 100k student since then. Most recently. Throughout this time I built my Educational Engineering School Online brand to teach others the skills that I have. Now I only do things I love each day. I want to show you how to be a better Embedded System creator, make money from your skills, and live the life you dreamed of.


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