Bernard Sibanda
8 months ago
Dragon Zap Instructor
Many Satisfied Students
We are a team of global security experts who offer exclusive trainings to both students and corporations for a 360° preparation in all the most relevant security fields. Transnational Organized Crime, Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism, and Ethical Hacking are just a few of the courses SIA offers. Our courses are carefully researched and developed by International Security specialists, Cybersecurity experts and military veterans with assistance from e-learning specialists who are able to package the information offered in a thorough yet easily understood format that doesn’t require a university degree to process. At the same time, SIA courses provide an in-depth approach to their subjects, going beyond the random information you will find on public news media outlets. SIA courses are designed for students who are willing and able to challenge what they see and hear, in order to develop a deeper understanding of their subject.
SIA Global Security
SIA Global Security
SIA Global Security
Well paced, clear content