

This lecture shows you how to cast in C, casting allows you to convert one type to another

Creating C Libraries

Creating C Libraries

This lecture shows you how to create libraries in the C Programming Language

Using The Goto Keyword

Using The Goto Keyword

This lecture shows you how you can use the Goto keyword to jump to different labels in your C program

Memory Allocation And The Stack Vs The Heap

Memory Allocation And The Stack Vs The Heap

This lecture discusses how to allocate memory and the heap. It also explains the difference between the stack and the he...

Reading And Writing Files

Reading And Writing Files

This lecture teaches you how to read and write files in the C Programming Language

Const Keyword Explained

Const Keyword Explained

This lecture explains to you all about the const keyword and how it can be used to make variables read only

Static Functions Explained

Static Functions Explained

This lecture discusses static functions and how they work

Bitwise Operators And Bit Shifting

Bitwise Operators And Bit Shifting

This lecture covers bitwise operators and bit shifting in the C Programming Language

Argc And Argv Reading Arguments

Argc And Argv Reading Arguments

This lecture shows you how to provide values to your program at startup such as a run option

Seeking In Files

Seeking In Files

This lecture shows you how to reposition yourself in a file your reading to read or write data at a certain point

Switches In C

Switches In C

This lecture shows you how switches work in C and how to make them

Simple Book Program - Part 1

Simple Book Program - Part 1

This is the first lecture where we start our simple book program responsible for allowing a user to store and read books

Simple Book Program - Part 2

Simple Book Program - Part 2

This is the first lecture where we start our simple book program responsible for allowing a user to store and read books

Simple Book Program - Part 3

Simple Book Program - Part 3

This is the first lecture where we start our simple book program responsible for allowing a user to store and read books

Your First Program

Your First Program

In this lecture I teach you how to write your very first C++ program

What Is Assembly Language?

What Is Assembly Language?

This lecture provides an overview of what assembly language actually is

Installing The Emulator

Installing The Emulator

In this lecture we install an 8086 Process Emulator that allows me to easily teach you assembly

Creating A Hello World Program In Assembly Language

Creating A Hello World Program In Assembly Language

This lecture covers how to create a hello world program in x86 assembly

Transistors And Logic Gates Understanding The Processor

Transistors And Logic Gates Understanding The Processor

This lecture discusses all about logic gates and understanding the processor, this is very important for you to understa...

Registers In The 8086 Processor

Registers In The 8086 Processor

This lecture discusses what registers are and the registers available to us in the 8086 processor

Memory Segmentation

Memory Segmentation

This lecture explains memory segmentation and segmentation registers

The Stack, Subroutines And Endiness Explained

The Stack, Subroutines And Endiness Explained

In this lecture you learn all about the stack, subroutines and endiness