Creating The Default Character Set

Creating The Default Character Set

Chip-8 has a default character set that gets loaded into memory, in this lecture we will implement it

Creating The Chip-8 Display

Creating The Chip-8 Display

In this lecture we emulate the Chip-8 64x32 pixel monochrome display

Drawing Sprites To The Screen

Drawing Sprites To The Screen

We update out display functionality in this lecture to give it the ability to draw sprites to the screen which is a requ...

Implementing The Delay Timer

Implementing The Delay Timer

This lecture covers the implementation of the delay timer which Chip-8 programs use to slow down themselves

Implementing The Sound Timer

Implementing The Sound Timer

This lecture covers the implementation of the sound timer which is used by Chip-8 programs so that they can make sounds

Starting The Creation Of The Instruction Set Simulator

Starting The Creation Of The Instruction Set Simulator

In this lecture we start the implementation of the instruction set. I also explain to you what an instruction set is

Implementing The Chip-8 Instruction Set

Implementing The Chip-8 Instruction Set

In this lecture we implement the Chip-8 instruction set and end up with a fully working emulator

Speeding Up The Emulator

Speeding Up The Emulator

In this lecture we speed up the emulator making it run faster

Linked Lists Explained

Linked Lists Explained

In this lecture I explain what a linked list is and how to use them

Double Linked Lists Explained

Double Linked Lists Explained

This lecture explains double linked lists and how they work

Double Linked Lists In C

Double Linked Lists In C

Now we take what we learned in the last lecture and implement our very own linked list in the C programming language

Where The List Becomes The List Element

Where The List Becomes The List Element

This lecture shows you how to make the list element value become the list element/list its self

Implementing Linked List With Value being the List Element

Implementing Linked List With Value being the List Element

In this lecture we implement what we spoke about in the previous lecture, we implement our linked list with the value be...

Understanding Arrays

Understanding Arrays

In this lecture I teach you what arrays are

Programming Arrays And Array Lists In C

Programming Arrays And Array Lists In C

In this lecture you learn how to create an array list in C

Understanding Stacks And Queues

Understanding Stacks And Queues

In this lecture you learn all about stacks and queues and how they work

Creating A Stack

Creating A Stack

In this lecture you learn how to create a stack

Creating A Queue

Creating A Queue

In this lecture you will learn how to create a queue

Understanding Binary Trees

Understanding Binary Trees

In this lecture you will learn all about binary trees

Programming Binary Trees

Programming Binary Trees

In this lecture you learn how to program binary trees

Current Vs Voltage

Current Vs Voltage

In this lecture we learn all about current and voltage and the differences between them.

What Is A Breadboard?

What Is A Breadboard?

In this lecture you learn what a breadboard is and why it is useful for prototyping electronics