Thread Safety And Why It's Important

Thread Safety And Why It's Important

In this lecture you will learn about thread safety and why it's important

Threads In Classes

Threads In Classes

In this lecture you will learn how to create threads in classes

Installing Mysql and PHPMyAdmin

Installing Mysql and PHPMyAdmin

In this lecture you will learn how to install MySQL engine and PhpMyAdmin web interface

Understanding The Database Internals

Understanding The Database Internals

In this lecture we will discuss database internals so you can grasp how databases work

Learn To Create Database Tables Along With Inserting Data Into Them With Sql

Learn To Create Database Tables Along With Inserting Data Into Them With Sql

In this lecture you will learn how to create database tables and we will then add data to the database using the SQL Que...

Selecting And Retrieving Data From The Database With Sql

Selecting And Retrieving Data From The Database With Sql

In this lecture you learn how to select data from the database with the SQL Query language. This allows you to bring bac...

Updating The Records In The Database With Sql

Updating The Records In The Database With Sql

In this lecture you learn how to update existing data in the database using the SQL Query Language

Creating A Medical Database

Creating A Medical Database

In this lecture we will start our very own medical database

Relationships In A Database

Relationships In A Database

Here we learn about database relationships and why they are important

Joining Data And Tables In Sql

Joining Data And Tables In Sql

This lecture covers using SQL to join data and tables

Ordering Data In Sql

Ordering Data In Sql

This lecture shows you how you can order your data in ascending or descending order when reading it

Deleting Database Records In Sql

Deleting Database Records In Sql

Sometimes you no longer need information anymore, well why not delete it in SQL using the DELETE keyword. This lecture s...

Subqueries In Sql

Subqueries In Sql

Subqueries allow you to have a query within a query and can be incredibly useful when used properly

Installing The Compiler

Installing The Compiler

In this lecture we install the GCC Mingw Compiler

Creating A Hello World Program

Creating A Hello World Program

In this lecture you create your very first C program, a simple hello world application that outputs Hello World to comma...



In this lecture you learn how to store data in memory by using variables

Functions Explained

Functions Explained

In this lecture we explain functions how they work and how to make them

Primitive Types

Primitive Types

This lecture discusses primitive types and how they work



This lecture discusses arrays in the C programming language

Multi-Dimensional Arrays

Multi-Dimensional Arrays

This lecture discusses how arrays can have multiple dimensions, you will learn how to create multi-dimensional arrays

Receiving input from the keyboard

Receiving input from the keyboard

This lecture shows you how you can read input from the users keyboard

Pointers And Memory Addresses

Pointers And Memory Addresses

In this lecture you learn all about pointers and memory addresses and how to work with them